I very much like your writing style/thoughts , no time to comment on them , but I had set aside some time to comment on this piece . Not sure if comments matter to you .

I’m going to be brief .

A few years ago I had occasional to drive daily through kings mountain . I am mesmerized by the memories of the beauty .i long to return . Thanks for reminding me .

I once spent 6 weeks in LA . I only recall pavement.

However I did have several spiritual experiences that I have long treasured .

I once met a sainted classidic Rabbi who lived in Denver . He gave me a blessing that he hoped I not get too disappointed with my earthly interactions before I realized the importance of a relationship with G-d.

My home ? My home is with G-d - the Makom of the world . The rooms and gardens are the holy books his devoted holy ones have shared for eternity .

On this holy day of Hoshana Rabbah - the day we plead for the health of the natural world, I wish you a Gmar Tov.

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Thank you for these thoughts Stuart, and for taking time to comment on my article.

My relations to God, Book, home, and place, are all wrapped up in my relationship to my Jewishness, and is colored by my understanding go both my familial history and the wider Jewish story.

I love this: “My home is with G-d - the Makom of the world . The rooms and gardens are the holy books his devoted holy ones have shared for eternity.”

The source of Judaism lies in our stories, and in the ways our ancestors have rooted themselves in relation to community and land. Here is our home.

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